Tuesday, June 18, 2013


This Vedic Engineering Module asserts that
the free peoples of the world recognize that
 ... international banks and corporations are very dependent on profitable wars...
and that if there were no enemies,
these wealthy people would invent one...
and that...for example...
Israel is their number 1 cash cow...
if per chance the leaders of Israel and Palestine were to find a peaceful solution,
the CIA would surely assassinate these leaders in order to continue exploiting chaos for the personal gain of the wealthy...

and so, recognizing that this
would absolutely be the first place
we look towards fixing for world peace...

This Vedic Engineering Module further asserts that
the free peoples of the world
thus knowing this,
see 911 with a fresh understanding ...
where over decades prior to 911,
wealthy plotters were inculcating into the masses ...
preparing for the eventual attack pointing to the invented new enemy...
brought about by the great controversy surrounding the Middle East
to where
it actually doesn't matter if Osama Bin Laden was actually behind 911 or not...
to where
he certainly got a lot of help from USA leaders to pull this off...
and that
the US  leaders, with a cloak of plausible deniability, acted dumb about this...
and where OBL was their well prepared patsy
and to where
in fact
OBL was a CIA asset
and so
thus recognizing this,
we know that  
there is no where else to look for world peace
but to deal with these wealthy people
who cause great harm to Humanity
for personal gains of even more wealth

This Vedic Engineering Module asks
how Adolf Hitler was able to acquire $300 Million
whereby he built his military force?
did this wealth get held to account?
does this wealth own our media, our politicians, our educational system?
is that why we never learned ( in elementary school)
about how
Hitler was able to get so dangerous in the first place?

This Vedic Engineering Module asserts that
the free peoples of the world understand that
wealthy people are extremely dangerous people as well and even more so than
Adolf Hitler.

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