This Vedic Engineering Module asserts that
This Vedic Engineering Module asserts that
the dynamics will pave the way to nuclear disarmament
as more women get into positions of leadership
whereby we acheive an equal gender leadership ratio
through affirmative action...
resulting in
just as it was
Mothers Against Drunk Drivers
created a sea change
in how we regard drunk driving
so it is
with nuclear disarmament
men, it appears, simply refuse to "cry uncle" on this issue but women in leadership will change that
JFK aspired
men, it appears, simply refuse to "cry uncle" on this issue but women in leadership will change that
JFK aspired
to use an international committee
to start a nuclear disarmament program
with the goal of no nukes for anyone
so perhaps
this will be finally accomplished in this way...
Through the use of Functional MRI Lie Detection,
used wherever needed,
we will be able to find every last nuclear device and destroy them...
adding that
solar thermal energy
solar thermal energy
harnesses the free and abundant sunlight
along with melted salt heat storage technology
and using
fossil back-up/stand-by
eradicates the need for nuclear power altogether
the opportunity to develop bombs is further eliminated...
This Vedic Engineering Module further asserts that
everyone understands that
the military industrial complex/CIA/international bank & oil consortium
had a vested interest in arms build-up of every sort
most of the apparent conflicts were largely invented
as a means to convince the people of the world
to spend their national treasuries towards enriching that cabal...
Their CIA arm conducted many false flag events and political intrigue all around the globe...
with oil and drugs being their favorite cash cows...
the communist scare...the Cold War...mere inventions for fleecing the people
so the nuclear arms build-up was total fabrication for profit
so the nuclear arms build-up was total fabrication for profit
This Vedic Engineering Module asserts that
the National Security Act of 1947
is repealed
thus taking away a major tool of power from the CIA
and thus taking away from them, the ability to conduct nefarious,
self-enriching activities under the guise of National Security secrecy
which had allowed them to create tremendous wealth for themselves around the globe until now...
and these CIA rulers will be subjected to FMRI Lie Detection Testing
thus further eradicating their power on the people
and in this way,
yet another way
paving the way for nuclear disarmament
and in this way,
yet another way
paving the way for nuclear disarmament
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