Tuesday, June 18, 2013



This Vedic Engineering Module asserts a 
'Global Net Worth Tax'
that will tax everyone across the board
according to how well they are doing
using the metric of individual net worth.
This is an extremely broad-based tax
may actually replace all other forms of taxation
with some special exceptions
for taxation for behavior modification, tariffs, and other needed tools.

It is a very transparent taxation
being the only tax levied all across the globe,
it is very easy to understand
just how much tax you pay.

It is a fair way to bring the entire wealth of the world
to chip in
on needed governmental programs
to make life easier for everyone.

And as well,
In time,
the wealth distribution of the world
will ameliorate.

And even so, as to not adversely affect
the people who are struggling,
we can
exempt the first $10,000.00 of net worth across the board.

let me illustrate a point

Warren Buffet's net worth increased by 12 billion in 2011
he paid 7 million in taxes
represents less than 1%

an average middle class earning 50k/year
may have had an increased net worth of 5k
for that same period
and yet
he/she paid 3k in taxes
which represents 60%

a net worth tax across the globe
will bring equality to the taxation burden
according to
how well we are all doing
so that...even if
a billionaire with a net worth of 50billion
let's say that
the across the board tax rate ends up being 5%
he/she would end up paying 2.5billion for that year,
​and yet
because of all this billionaires holdings doing so well,
this billionaire's net worth ends up increasing 10billion ...
what does it do to him/her?
he/she enjoys net increase

and by comparison,
that middle class person
who earns 50k/yr
perhaps has a net worth of 30k...
let us say...
ends up paying $1000.00...
that is...
5% of his net worth of 30k
less the 10k across the board exemption
for a taxable net worth of 20k
and so
becoming 5% of 20k 
which is $1000.00

the result being that
this middle class person would then have much more spending cash available
which in turn
would drive the economy
and which in turn
would benefit that billionaire's businesses
and thus
would cause the billionaire's net worth to increase!
the trickle up theory! had we simply been going in the wrong direction?
it should be so that absolutely nobody is immune from this net worth tax...
not the Queen of England...not the Vatican...not all of those churches, synagogues, mosques..


did you know that
the Rothschild fortune will end up paying one half of the entire global tax burden?

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