Tuesday, June 18, 2013



This Vedic Engineering Module asserts that
the people acknowledge that
the truth of what happened in WW2
is very far removed from the official version.
while it is true that
Germany was overrun
American and Russian troops
in the Spring of 1945
but meanwhile,

the true Nazis,
the banks that supported Hitler,
the companies that dealt with Hitler,
Ford, IBM, the Vatican,
Hitler himself, 
as well as,
many of the top Nazi officials,
evaded justice.
Hitler's body was never found.
He instructed his underlings to claim
that he committed suicide
was then subsequently cremated,
but it is most probable,
he went into safe haven
Vatican assistance.
Probably first hiding out in an Austrian Monastery,
moving to the Vatican sovereign state,
while he figured out how to get to South America undetected.
It is no secret that
the Vatican had assisted
many of the top Nazi officials,
along with their plundered treasures,
with funding
logistical assistance
escaping out of Europe
sneaking into South America.

We must not forget that
Hitler was a favorite son of the Vatican...
actually an apostolate to the Vatican state...

"Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator:
by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord."
-Hitler (Mein Kampf)

His intense hatred of Jews stemming from his devout Christian training.

It is no secret that the Vatican preached hatred of Jews for millenia, prior to Hitler's rise to power
and they liked Hitler's aggressive stance with regards to how he dealt with the Jews...
and how about the banks that lent him $300,000,000...to start his military
ambitions...and continual support thereafter...in fact,
in 1942, Prescott Bush's Union Bank was shut down due to being found out for supporting Hitler...
aren't the financiers who supported Hitler as much Nazis
or even more so!?
yes...oh kindest people....

and then
how about Operation Paperclip...?...
This was a CIA led initiative..
oh...which, by the way...
was led by Prescott Bush...the Nazi banker...
to smuggle Nazi scientists to America
after the war...
over 700 Nazi scientists
who did gruesome experiments with the concentration camp prisoners
came to America
were put to work
in the MKUltra program dealing with mind-control...

and also...
the rocket scientists
who conducted the V-2 missile bombings of London...
who used slave labor which took the lives of 20,000
POWs to build them due to such deplorable conditions...
these war criminals came to glory in the US space race... 

there is no justice here!
Bush goes on to lead the "Bush Dynasty" of presidents
the CIA get so wealthy due to the National Security Act of 1947
giving secretive privileges that allowed them tremendous
power and self enrichment...
becoming so powerful that they took over America with the JFK assassination ...

this is America today...oh kindest people..if you can handle the truth of it

America...the most powerful nation in history...and the Vatican...
both great supporters of Nazis

so it turns out to be!

This Vedic Engineering Module asserts that
the free peoples of the world address this injustice head on.


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