Tuesday, June 18, 2013


This Vedic Engineering Module asserts that
the idea of ownership of wealth
is changing to accommodate ...
that prosperity hinges on a new paradigm...
one where a redistribution of wealth for the good of the Earth and Humanity
is the ideal way.

This Vedic Engineering Module asserts that
the free peoples of the world realize
that at some point,
a saturation of wealth towards an individual has a cut-off point...
because ...
how many billions does one person need?
and certainly,
while there can be some consideration for inheritance of person's future generations...
that, we consider a redistribution of that wealth for the benefit of all

and thus
eradicating poverty, hunger,
and maintaining infrastructure...
research in all the sciences...
and yet
still allowing that the recognition go to the wealthy benefactors for these

The NET WORTH TAX listed on this webpage below helps towards that end...
but more than this...
the mindset of wealth accumulation re-aligns to the reality of the needs of the all
in that​
the free peoples of the world recognize that
the current paradigm is a diseased state and
is needing of change towards a much healthier state...

This Vedic Engineering Module asserts that
the free peoples of the world do recognize that
wealthy people are extremely dangerous to Humanity...
especially when they join forces with other wealthy people and collude in secret...
in fact, in the past,
many depressions and wars have been orchestrated by these wealthy people
for their own personal advancement...
they have the ability to corrupt otherwise decent politicians...
to subvert our educational institutions who rely on their grants...
to misinform the people because they own mass media outright...
this is how they pose a major threat to Humanity...

This Vedic Engineering Module asks the free peoples of the world 
to look behind the wealth's facade of philanthropy...
that for every dollar spent for it
they spend two dollars for bribery and coercion...
in order to accumulate ten dollars of benefits to themselves...
benefits that ...in the end...
are taken away from Humanity...from ecology ...from decency and fairness

This Vedic Engineering Module points to
our current global warming crisis as a shining example of how
wealthy people have harmed Humanity...
given how wealthy people own the oil industry...
and have kept suppressed,
the advancement of solar energy...
by bribing our officials
waging a misinformation campaign through our educational system and mass media...
it can be shown that
we have had solar thermal energy as a fully functional energy source since the 1980's
to where fossil energy could have been relegated to mere stand-by/back-up status...
and that 
our current Middle East wars are based on oil ...
with terrorism being an invented ruse
by using legitimate blowback
from misdeeds of oil interests
as Western battle cry for a war on terrorism...
and where
the incentive was great
that the CIA conducted false flag attacks at 911
just to make even more tremendous wealth gains for these wealthy people...

yes...this Vedic Engineering Module asserts that
the free peoples of the world
 now recognize that wealthy people are extremely dangerous to Humanity
are curtailing this danger by limiting wealth accumulation to ...
say...1 billion per individual...
thus eliminating their incentive to collude for even more accumulation beyond that...

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