Tuesday, June 18, 2013



This Vedic Engineering Module asserts that
the free peoples of the world
understand that
to support and defend whistle-blowers
is regarded as a very important activity 
for cultivating world peace and prosperity...

The free peoples of the world
develop whistle-blower associations 
where the tricks of the whistle-blowing trade are shared...
where a joint effort of many 
will assist the efforts to expose the corruption and misdeeds...
a place where someone
 who wishes to expose something 
would be able to meet with 
and access council from 
as to how to best proceed...
where one may find support 
be provided dedicated legal assistance...
and even as far as a ...
witness protection program... style of support
the most brazen misdeeds are usually done at highest levels...
where there exists a culture of a sense of being above the law....
and thus poses a dangerous threat to a would-be whistle-blower...
in fact...
sometimes murders are committed and 
made to look as accidents or suicides 
with obvious clues to the contrary thus crafted to send a message...

the Mena, AR scandal is rife with that sort pointing directly at Bill Clinton and George HW Bush.. two leaders I really liked until I researched Mena, AR...
This Vedic Engineering Module asks
what evidence was at the OKC Federal building that needed to be destroyed ...in 1995...or who?
this being the jurisdiction of the Mena, AR scandal
where any investigation that gets stonewalled by the National Security Act of 1947...
a sure indication that the highest powers of the country...
even beyond the president...are at the bottom of it

and what about an ex-CIA whistle-blower of 911 
who wound up incarcerated under the Homeland Security Act, 
and yet, 
her handler was rewarded with $13 million dollars tax free 
for his role in support of the 911 conspiracy...incredible don't you agree?

this Vedic Engineering Module asserts that all of the people support whistle-blowers
all over the globe 

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