Tuesday, June 18, 2013



This Vedic Engineering Module asserts that
the free peoples of the world understand
the value of
prison and retirement communities working the 'Maharishi Effect'

The Maharishi Effect is explained in the link below

so, this Maharishi Effect is a scientifically established method for creating coherence in our society...Maharishi once related to this analogy of "washing machines" whereby the groups of TM Siddhi meditators would be creating coherence and having a positive impact on the local environment as well as adding to the general global coherence.

A good level of TM Siddhi practice takes about 3 hours per day, and the thought I had was that we could teach this all powerful stress-busting technique to prisoners...I envision a possibility that  a prison complex could be totally devoted to this cause and where every single prisoner would be dedicated to the effect of working this "washing machine" to the benefit of the surrounding area and the globe as well...

such a place where even the guards will also learn the TM Siddhi program

I dream of this possibility and consider how beneficial it will be for each and every individual...and wonder if the walls that surround that prison will not eventually be used to keep released prisoners from re-entering the prison complex instead of the other way around where they are being used to keep the prisoners from escaping...yes...oh kindest people...it is that good!

and as well I consider this for retirement communities...the TM Siddhis is the best program for stress-busting and will help our retirees to enjoy a stress free life in their golden years...as well as benefiting the society with their creating coherence

it is merely a matter of educating the people that this is for real before they will begin to organize themselves in this direction

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