Tuesday, June 18, 2013


This Vedic Engineering Module asserts that
the people understand that
solar power is here now...
and that in fact,
solar thermal had been fully functional source of energy
since the 1980's... 
and that, being so, 
there had not been any need
to burn fossil fuels
as a main source of energy
since then
except merely as back-up/ stand-by status...
Solar thermal
accumulated heat
from the sun
to produce steam
which then
powers steam turbines,
which in turn,
then spin generators
that produce electricity,
and because of this,
it is very simple
to keep fossil fuel back up burners
to continue
to produce the heat needed
when the sun goes down or on overcast days.
and as such,
even northern climates
with a high percentage of overcast,
could still use this
with a larger
degree of fossil fuel usage.
but where
even this is being resolved
with the advent of new technology
that uses melted salts to store
the accumulated heat
that is acquired
during sunny days.
These melted salts
lose only 1% of its
heat over a 24 hour period
when placed in these special
holding tanks.
and so, it is quite feasible
to build enough solar thermal plants 
to eradicate the need
to use fossil fuel
at all.

This Vedic Engineering Module asserts that
the people realize that
we have been
subjected to
a massive misinformation campaign
by the big oil/bank/military industrial complex
who currently own the mainstream media
who corrupted our academic institutions and politicians
with use of bribery and coersion...
simply because
they want to continue their cash cow oil industry
..and who
also have recourse to
their wholly subsidiarized CIA 
in case
they have to resort to strong-arm tactics...
as they have already done
back in 1953
with Operation Ajax ..
where they overthrew an elected leader
who wanted to nationalize their oil assets
...yes...they committed murder for what we now call BP
and this Vedic Engineering Module asserts that
the free peoples of the world will 
treat the behaviors of the oil industry
and the politicians that catered to them
as a major crime against

please view this very enlightening video about the truth on solar

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